Davis assisted (Animal House Productions) in producing “Take Back Your Pride Rally” with Queer Factory Productions in June 2020 during the Black Lives Matter Movement. “Take Back Your Pride” Rally was to remember the reason why we celebrate Pride and was the first trans-focused pride event to ever take place in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The event held speakers from The LGBTQ+ community, predominately Black and Brown Queer & Trans siblings, and performers. A video was projected on the Lancaster City Police Station of the 355 Trans people that have been killed by violence in our society. A memorial was held honoring the Black and Brown lives that were lost in the year 2020. Ending the evening with a Let Out - the city’s first public dance block party taking place at PCAD Park in downtown Lancaster. This event was entirely queer operated and produced.
Grounds & Blessings by Mike Molla & PCAD, Production & Coordination by Animal House Productions & Queer Factory Productions, Sound was provided by Tri-Force Pro Audio, Sound Engineering by Seventh Wave Records, Projector provided by Shumaker PDT, Staging & Lighting by Tait Towers & Nimblist, Video Projection by Kyle Yuditsky, Fabrics provided by Line Bruntse & Arthurs Oak, Water & safety masks provided by Safe House Lancaster.
Read more about Take Back Your Pride, here.